One of the biggest challenges for drivers is to maintain a healthy diet while out on the road. It is common for those with an unhealthy diet to have health issues that will later affect their career, including not being qualified to drive

One of the reasons impeding drivers from having a healthy diet comes from the lack of accessible healthy food. Truck stops offer mega deals on supersized fast food meals, with extremely high calories. It is rare to find healthy food with the same deals.

According to studies conducted by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, roughly 70% of drivers are overweight, which can lead to greater health risks, such as diabetes, sleep apnea and heart disease. Drivers may know that what they eat is bad for them, but they may not know how to make a change.

It is never too late to rediscover healthy eating habits. Here are 7 tips to help you improve your nutrition and healthy eating:

  1. Aim to eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables daily to balance calories and nutrients when meal choices are limited. Opt for salad instead of fries, or choose fresh fruit and nuts as a snack.
  2. Decide to make healthier choices on your own and commit to them. Begin with small changes you can stick with, such as trading soda for water or green tea. Instead of putting cream and sugar in your coffee, opt for skim milk.
  3. When you have some time at home, plan and prepare your meals in advance. Freeze them in portion-size containers and bring them with you in a portable cooler when you are on the road. You will save money and have access to better food.
  4. Stock your cab’s refrigerator with healthy snacks so you are not starving when you stop for a meal break. Healthy snack options could be nuts, raisins, and naturally sweetened or low sugar protein bars.
  5. Don’t try to save time by skipping breakfast or snack time. Start the day with good intentions with eggs and whole wheat toast, or Greek yoghurt with berries. Healthy snacking also prevents overeating later- precut veggies or natural cheese are good options.
  6. Start by eating a large breakfast, in order to be less likely to snack and crave bigger meals throughout the day.
  7. Figure out what obstacles are standing between you and a healthier way of eating and find solutions to overcome those obstacles.

By tackling these 7 tips, you will be able to take realistic steps toward becoming a healthier truck driver.

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